my sister-in-law buzzed me

IMG_7500 (2)As we have shared our intention to homeschool BW with friends and family over the course of the summer, we’ve received a mixed response (of support and silence!)

My sister-in-law homeschools her children, so I was anxious to talk homeschooling with her.  Her first question, which I am learning is quite typical in homeschooling circles, was, “What curriculum are you using?”  I hesitated and fumbled over my words, “Well, I’m not using any…”

She buzzed me.  Literally made a buzzer sound followed by “WRONG ANSWER!”

I reserve the right to change my mind, but here are the reasons I am not using a formal curriculum:

  1. School didn’t work.  Why would I replicate it at home?
  2. BW hates books and worksheets.  When he sees a page with a bunch of words or math problems on it, he immediately says, “It’s too hard”, and shuts down.
  3. BW is not at grade level.  I feel a curriculum is too cookie cutter to adapt to my kid’s needs.
  4. Fine motor exhaustion.  Writing is so laborsome, it impedes learning.

But just because I’m not using a curriculum does not mean I don’t have a plan.  In fact, I think not having a curriculum requires more planning!  I’ve spent a great deal of time this summer reading books, listening to podcasts, researching, and collecting ideas.  With every tool I consider, I think hard about how BW learns and processes information.  I’m not thinking about state requirements, standardized tests, or grade equivalency.  I’m thinking about what one kid needs.

So here is the bulk of my curriculum:

  1. A library card.
  2. A zoo membership.
  3. A science museum membership.
  4. A computer with internet.

2 thoughts on “my sister-in-law buzzed me

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  1. My social studies curriculum is almost exclusively from books I get from the public library plus field trips. The library is a WONDERFUL resource! 🙂 Although I do have a textbook for science, I supplement it with lots of books and videos from the library and again more field trips. 🙂


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